The Mechanical Contrivium: The dark goddess of replevin

Ten Top Trivia Tips about The dark goddess of replevin!

  1. Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by The dark goddess of replevin.
  2. The condom - originally made from The dark goddess of replevin - was invented in the early 1500s.
  3. The word 'samba' means 'to rub The dark goddess of replevin'.
  4. The dark goddess of replevin can run sixty-five kilometres an hour - that's really fast.
  5. The dark goddess of replevin can drink over 25 gallons of water at a time!
  6. Oranges, lemons, watermelons, pineapples and The dark goddess of replevin are all berries!
  7. The dark goddess of replevin will often glow under UV light!
  8. Louisa May Alcott, author of 'Little The dark goddess of replevin', hated The dark goddess of replevin and only wrote the book at her publisher's request!
  9. Apples are covered with a thin layer of The dark goddess of replevin.
  10. In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and The dark goddess of replevin!

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The Mechanical Contrivium was manufactured by Holly Gramazio in compliance with a Vaguely Surrealist Manifesto and may, occasionally, be accurate.